Morris Dancing in Shaftesbury

Back in July 2019 I visited friends who live just outside Shaftesbury in Dorset. By pure chance my visit coincided with the Gold Hill Fair, an annual event held in the town. It was glorious, an absolutely wonderful day!

The sun was shining, some white clouds scudding in the clear blue sky, there were stalls selling locally produced foods and ciders as well as handicrafts and - for the first time in my life, I witnessed in person the joy that is Morris Dancing.

Before I go any further, can I please say that if anyone recognises themselves or a friend in these images, please do let me know and I’d be more than happy to send on a copy.

Now, I had never seen Morris Dancing before and, in full confession mode, will admit to viewing the practice as an eccentric oddity. How wrong I was. This was traditional England in full flow. Smiling, happy people enjoying themselves on a summer’s day with great food, drink and lively music. It was sheer happiness and we all need that at the best of times, let alone in these challenging days of lockdowns and illness. Morris Dancing is something deserving of recognition, praise and promotion. I truly had a wonderful time in Shaftesbury and it is very sad that the fair will not be held again until 2021 - but obviously safety is a priority.

So, with no further ado, let’s get into a video and some images from the fair. Enjoy!

A short video from the fair - please do feel free to skip over my public safety announcement at the start. Cabin fever, I’m putting it down to that. Ignore me, enjoy the spectacle of Shaftesbury in full flow - if that doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then I don’t know what will. And if you know where to get a hobby horse, gimme a shout..! Oh, please do subscribe to the channel if you can bear to do so…thx. :-)

Before kicking into the Fair, here’s an image of Gold Hill in Shaftesbury - the scene of a famous Hovis advert in the UK.  Maybe any young ‘uns won’t know about this, but for us oldies this hill is a part of our youth.

Before kicking into the Fair, here’s an image of Gold Hill in Shaftesbury - the scene of a famous Hovis advert in the UK. Maybe any young ‘uns won’t know about this, but for us oldies this hill is a part of our youth.

I had both a Scotch Egg and a sausage roll. I was as happy as I was full.  I love a Scotch Egg, can’t resist the little beauties.  The sausage roll was effectively a dessert.  With ketchup.

I had both a Scotch Egg and a sausage roll. I was as happy as I was full. I love a Scotch Egg, can’t resist the little beauties. The sausage roll was effectively a dessert. With ketchup.

A bag of this cider joined me on the NC500 trip.  Didn’t last long, I regret not getting two of them.  Live and learn, fatman, live and learn…

A bag of this cider joined me on the NC500 trip. Didn’t last long, I regret not getting two of them. Live and learn, fatman, live and learn…

The local Mayor was there, but he didn’t pop over for a chat - seemed a bit shy.  Also, think he had the hump because I wouldn’t let him jump the queue for the Scotch Eggs.  He might have a big gold chain but he can wait in line like the rest of us……

The local Mayor was there, but he didn’t pop over for a chat - seemed a bit shy. Also, think he had the hump because I wouldn’t let him jump the queue for the Scotch Eggs. He might have a big gold chain but he can wait in line like the rest of us…came across as a decent bloke though, pressing the flesh with all and sundry (except me). Can’t do that these days, safety first!

This guys was a star - smiling away, banging his drum and really entertaining the crowd.  Looks like he would enjoy a few ciders as well.  Good lad.

This guys was a star - smiling away, banging his drum and really entertaining the crowd. Looks like he would enjoy a few ciders as well. Good lad.

Happiness everywhere - this lovely old chap seemed to be having a right good time.  We need more of this.

Happiness everywhere - this lovely old chap seemed to be having a right good time. We need more of this.

Performers of all ages…

Performers of all ages…

I hesitate to safe “infectious smile” these days, but there were smiles everywhere in Shaftesbury…

I hesitate to safe “infectious smile” these days, but there were smiles everywhere in Shaftesbury…

Genuine apologies to any veggies out there, but this was sooooo good.  The Fair had loads of food and drink stalls, heaven for a lardy like me.  God knows what the Big Yin would have made of it, he’d have loved this as a snack.

Genuine apologies to any veggies out there, but this was sooooo good. The Fair had loads of food and drink stalls, heaven for a lardy like me. God knows what the Big Yin would have made of it, he’d have loved this as a snack.

One of the stars of the show.  A banker by day, apparently.

One of the stars of the show. A banker by day, apparently.

Another of the main performers

Another of the main performers

Some of the young ‘uns performing in the main square.  These ones might know about Hovis Hill, being locals…

Some of the young ‘uns performing in the main square. These ones might know about Hovis Hill, being locals…

I wasn’t the only one enjoying the local food on offer.  I hope that at some point in the future, I can return - it was a wonderful event!

I wasn’t the only one enjoying the local food on offer. I hope that at some point in the future, I can return - it was a wonderful event!

More traditionally-attired Morris Dancers.  Full of energy!  I was full of egg, sausage, cider and roast pork.

More traditionally-attired Morris Dancers. Full of energy! I was full of egg, sausage, cider and roast pork.

Three Cheers for Shaftesbury!

Three Cheers for Shaftesbury!

Food, friendship and smiles - doesn’t get much better than that!

Food, friendship and smiles - doesn’t get much better than that!

Back to the Morris Dancers.  I cannot speak highly enough of this event - if you ever get the chance in the future - go!

Back to the Morris Dancers. I cannot speak highly enough of this event - if you ever get the chance in the future - go!

Well, that’s the end of this blog - I tried to let the pictures do the talking and keep my own words to a minimum. I’ll finish by saying that this was a real eye-opener to me - Morris Dancing is one of those traditions that deserves to flourish, let alone just be “kept alive”. If you have the chance to see this at some point down the line, do so. You’ll have a blast!

In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and be kind!

Fatman xxx


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NC500 - Top Tips and final thoughts