Personal highlights

The current situation has curtailed travel for all of us, and it is not yet apparent when that will change significantly. But safety for ourselves, loved ones and others take priority over the joys of holiday travel. In the meantime, each of us must do what we can to get through these testing weeks and months.

For myself, that has mostly involved looking through old images, building this website and trying to become as internationally famous as my adoring little brother believes I should be. Bless his little cotton socks!

So, for this blog, I am going to go over some images and events from the last twelve months that have made my “personal highlights” list when I get all melancholy and think about such things. Doesn’t often happen, so make the most of it.

In this blog, I shall present several images, in no particular order and with no specific underlying theme, other than they are personal favourites. I shall also include links to one or maybe two youtube videos. As I have stated before, I am in no way a natural presenter and my mother always told me I had a face for radio, but I started my youtube career regardless. As a side note, it would be hugely appreciated if anyone could be bothered to subscribe to my YouTube channel. It’s a simple process, just click the red “Subscribe” button under the video - thank you!

With no further ado, let’s get on with the show!

This little chap is a “common kingfisher”, and the image was taken at the start of 2020 in a public park here in Singapore.  I think my “kingfisher” series is an absolute personal favourite from the last year or so in many ways.  I am not a natural …

This little chap is a “common kingfisher”, and the image was taken at the start of 2020 in a public park here in Singapore. I think my “kingfisher” series is an absolute personal favourite from the last year or so in many ways. I am not a natural nature photographer and had to think hard about locations, technique and equipment - and put in a few weeks of practice - before getting a semi-decent image. For someone who is naturally lazy, this was a lot of work, but hopefully, the effort was worthwhile.

If you are interested in this brief photographic journey or more kingfisher images, please do have a look at my “Kingfisher Blog”.

I shall stay in Singapore for my second image, but change species and genre.  And move to black and white just for that extra shock to the senses.  I love street photography, and Chinatown is one of my favourite haunts.  Just behind the Buddha Tooth…

I shall stay in Singapore for my second image, but change species and genre. And move to black and white just for that extra shock to the senses. I love street photography, and Chinatown is one of my favourite haunts. Just behind the Buddha Tooth Temple, elderly locals gather - when allowed - to chat and play board games together. I have a vast collection of images from here. This shot is just one example, but I think one that I would include in an exhibition when I am finally recognised. You can but dream…!

I like that these two gents are engrossed in their game, away from the usual crowds in this area. They are seemingly oblivious to my presence, and there are little details that appeal, such as the chap on the left sitting on three chairs.

For anyone interested in Street Photography, there are a couple of books I would recommend. Please do check them out.

Vivian Maier: Street Photographer

The Street Photographer's Manual

Hanoi, December 2019.  Pretty pleased with this shot.  I think the cyclist alone would have made it decent, but I got lucky with the other guy sitting on the window ledge in the alley.  He adds balance and interest.  That element of luck plays a sig…

Hanoi, December 2019. Pretty pleased with this shot. I think the cyclist alone would have made it decent, but I got lucky with the other guy sitting on the window ledge in the alley. He adds balance and interest. That element of luck plays a significant part in photography; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’m more than happy to put myself forward as someone who has benefitted from luck in their photography. This is a prime example, but I shall happily take it!

I did make a short video from Hanoi, please do have a look and subscribe if you are feeling kind :-)

Photography from Hanoi

The Tokyo International Forum is a delight for anyone interested in architectural photography.  The design of the building offers so much in terms of light and reflection.  I don’t believe my images can fully capture that at all, but hopefully, this…

The Tokyo International Forum is a delight for anyone interested in architectural photography. The design of the building offers so much in terms of light and reflection. I don’t believe my images can fully capture that at all, but hopefully, this shot gives some idea of what to expect should you ever visit.

There is another image from here in my “Tokyo in black and white” blog; please do have a look.

Duncansby Head, on the North East Coast of Scotland, lies just outside the town of John O’Groats and affords spectacular coastline views as well as an extensive collection of noisy and smelly seabirds!  This was a stop on the “North Coast 500” tour …

Duncansby Head, on the North East Coast of Scotland, lies just outside the town of John O’Groats and affords spectacular coastline views as well as an extensive collection of noisy and smelly seabirds! This was a stop on the “North Coast 500” tour of Scotland I made in July 2019 with my brother. It was a wonderful trip and resulted in a series of videos, blogs and even a book. Please do check these links for examples.

Camster Cairns and the Whaligoe Steps

NC 500, Day 3

NC 500, top tips and final thoughts

Scotland and the North Coast 500 (this is my iBook - £5.99- covering images and stories from my Scottish Travels). Also available in hardcover

Ah, I need to include this image, I guess.  Here we have myself and the big lump next to the J O’G sign.  Yes, it’s a selfie.  Yes, it’s been done a million times before.  And yes, it’s not the most attractive image on the blog - but in terms of per…

Ah, I need to include this image, I guess. Here we have myself and the big lump next to the J O’G sign. Yes, it’s a selfie. Yes, it’s been done a million times before. And yes, it’s not the most attractive image on the blog - but in terms of personal highlights, this one was hard to beat. Also, my wee bro will be delighted to his face and blouse on the page. Not that he’ll be able to read any of this, but the picture will mean a lot to him and his carer.

Note: For the blouse reference, please read “John O’Groats to Durness.”

By pure good fortune, I happened to be in Shaftesbury on the weekend of their annual fair.  It was a glorious event with food, drink and heaps of good-natured fun - England at it’s best.  For more images and stories from Shaftesbury, please read Mor…

By pure good fortune, I happened to be in Shaftesbury on the weekend of their annual fair. It was a glorious event with food, drink and heaps of good-natured fun - England at it’s best.

For more images and stories from Shaftesbury, please read Morris Dancing in Shaftesbury.

I also made a wee video from Shaftesbury - please do have a look and subscribe - thank you :-)

A view from Winnats Pass to Mam Tor in the Peak District, Derbyshire.  I love this part of England for scenery, photography and walking; it truly is a glorious part of the country.  I was there in February this year, and oh my goodness it was windy.…

A view from Winnats Pass to Mam Tor in the Peak District, Derbyshire. I love this part of England for scenery, photography and walking; it truly is a glorious part of the country. I was there in February this year, and oh my goodness it was windy. If you want to get an idea of how windy it was and/or see The Fatman looking ridiculous in many ways, please do watch a video I made from the area. Or tried to make. I don’t recall ever walking and photographing in winds quite like that before. Blew the cobwebs away, that’s for sure. Anyway, the link is below.

Mam Tor and Winnats Pass

I call myself “Fatman” for a good reason.  Basically, I’m fat.  I like my food.  I’m happy eating tins of heated up curry in my camper van - check the blogs, it’s all there.  But I also enjoy the odd splurge at the other end of the spectrum.  This s…

I call myself “Fatman” for a good reason. Basically, I’m fat. I like my food. I’m happy eating tins of heated up curry in my camper van - check the blogs, it’s all there. But I also enjoy the odd splurge at the other end of the spectrum. This snap was taken and edited on an iPhone, by the way - I think the result is pretty decent? Anyway, this food is a selection of delicious canapés from one of my favourite spots in the UK, Yorebridge House in Yorkshire.

In the middle, we have beetroot macaroon with horseradish cream, and on the right, we have a deep-fried cheese, Comte cheese if memory serves. On the left is hummus on some sort of crip. It was all delicious and just the start of a wonderful meal. Yorebridge, like so many hotels, pubs and restaurants throughout the UK, is closed during these troubled times. We can only hope they and those who work in them can get through this period and continue with their business sometime soon.

This image was from early February this year, taken in the Trough of Bowland behind the Inn at Whitewell.  This Inn featured in a TV series, The Trip.  Yes, I walked over those stepping stones and yes I was terrified I was going to fall into the fre…

This image was from early February this year, taken in the Trough of Bowland behind the Inn at Whitewell. This Inn featured in a TV series, The Trip. Yes, I walked over those stepping stones and yes I was terrified I was going to fall into the freezing river. But I didn’t, much to the disappointment of some kids watching from the bank. Little sods.

Nothing overly special about this image, but sometimes photography is not about technical quality or artistic brilliance - it is about the memories the image may hold.  This shot was taken near the town of Moffat in Scotland and shows a valley known…

Nothing overly special about this image, but sometimes photography is not about technical quality or artistic brilliance - it is about the memories the image may hold. This shot was taken near the town of Moffat in Scotland and shows a valley known as the Devil’s Beef Tub, apparently due to historical connections with cattle smuggling.

From Wikipedia, “The Devil’s Beef Tub, is a deep, dramatic hollow in the hills north of the Scottish town of Moffat. The 500-foot deep hollow is formed by four hills, Great Hill, Peat Knowe, Annanhead Hill and Ericstane Hill. It is one of the two main sources of the River Annan”.

This image was taken about 30 minutes after I left Peebles, my last visit to see my mother and the Big Yin in their home. My July trip was sadly cancelled due to the virus, so it is unclear when I will next be able to visit them. My journey back was a good one. I’m older now, so I don’t get beaten as much and having a camper van means I no longer need to sleep in the shed - a blessing in a Scottish winter.

There is a wonderful campsite in the old walled garden of Chatsworth House, the stately home in this image.  It is a great base for a number of lovely walks and drives around the area.  When the weather is clear like this, it is an added bonus.

There is a wonderful campsite in the old walled garden of Chatsworth House, the stately home in this image. It is a great base for a number of lovely walks and drives around the area. When the weather is clear like this, it is an added bonus.

To finish off with, here is an image from Edinburgh - Victoria Street, to be specific.  This steep, winding road links the Royal Mile to the Grassmarket and is home to a number of quirky shops and restaurants.This image, and others, can be found on …

To finish off with, here is an image from Edinburgh - Victoria Street, to be specific. This steep, winding road links the Royal Mile to the Grassmarket and is home to a number of quirky shops and restaurants.

This image, and others, can be found on the Travelling Fatman Jigsaw Store - please do have a look if jigsaws are your thing, or if they would make a good present for loved ones.

Well, that finishes this particular blog. I hope there was something you enjoyed in all of this. If not, i offer my humblest apologies and I shall try harder for the next one!

In the meantime, I hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and well!

Fatman xxx


Wildlife Images III


One more time in Tokyo