The Weaver Project…
Back in May, I wrote a blog detailing my efforts to take a decent photograph of a kingfisher, imaginatively entitled The Kingfisher Project.
Ever eager to take on new challenges, as long as they are not too difficult, I have just finished another photographic exercise in which I paid a series of visits to Kranji Marshes to take images of golden-backed weavers. I have called this “The Weaver Project”. These names just jump out at me; it’s a gift.
Here in Singapore, I follow a few local nature pages on Facebook, some official and some run by enthusiasts. I monitor these pages to get ideas and locations for wildlife photography. If this is something that interests you, I would highly recommend looking out for similar groups in your area. It was through engagement with one of these pages that I became aware that the golden-backed weavers had started nest-building in various parts of Singapore. So, the wheels were in motion and I set about trying to get snaps of these industrious little birds. The images in this blog were taken over several visits to the marshes, where I tried to snap different nest in different areas, tweaked my equipment and tried to get better and different shots on each visit. On the equipment side, I feel that bird photography is one area where equipment makes a massive difference. For each shot, I shall give info on the equipment used as well as the camera settings.
I feel I need to make an important point on settings as I am often reluctant to share them. The settings I used were based on the lighting conditions I faced at the time and the type of image I was attempting to capture. The lighting conditions are important - the light at 7 am in Singapore on a cloudy day with shade from trees will be different from the ambient light if you shoot in the midday sun on a clear day in a different location. Therefore settings are not immediately transferable, and adjustments would need to be made. That said, they may give a base idea, so share I shall.
As I have stated in previous blogs, I in no way consider myself an authority on photography - I am merely sharing my own experiences, and you can make of them what you will. There are far better and far more knowledgeable photographers out there. Hopefully, however, you will enjoy some of these images and maybe get an idea or two for yourself.
I shall also post a couple of awful images; hopefully, they shall give some context and insight into my thought process. I have few qualms about embarrassing myself, been doing it most of my life.
Anyway, on with the show…the main shots hopefully show progress and improvement, then I shall some general ones that may be of interest, throwing in some photography facts and Weaver info along the way.
Well, that really finishes my Weaver blog and I hope you at least enjoyed some of the images, if not the waffle. Man, that went on a bit at times. But for me, I really enjoyed the whole process. I reminded myself of some learning points, picked up new ones and finally got with some shots that I am happy with. Happy days. My main takeaways from this are, in no particular order:
Understand your location
Use the appropriate equipment for the photos you are taking
Understand the capabilities of your equipment and learn the exposure triangle
Clean your sensor - those spots are a pain
Remember guidelines such as 1/focal length (n.b. guidelines, not rules)
Use burst mode when appropriate
Editing is not a crime and is usually necessary
Produce images that you like - if anyone else likes them, it’s a bonus
Be patient
OK, that’s enough of that. Finally, some self-promotion. Embarrassing, but as mentioned at the start, I am pretty well used to embarrassing myself. You can find some of my snaps in various forms at the following places:
Jigsaws Various designs - I have ordered a couple of these myself, the quality is good
Redbubble Prints, mugs, stickers and goodness knows what else
Displate Prints on metal
Picfair Prints
Enough of that, I’m done now, blog over!
Wishing each and every one of you all the very best - stay strong, stay safe, be kind!
Fatman xxx